Fear and Firestorms in Los Angeles
No one seems to know just how toxic our air is now from the Los Angeles firestorms that make my head throb, so I nurse a cup of strong coffee, and wait for the Excedrin Extra Strength to kick in.
Before particulates populated…

Pass The Tissues, It’s High School Reunion
How Do We Stay Young?
Clean living, regular exercise and mindfulness all play a part. But what about the less obvious stuff? The things you forget to mention to your therapist. The things that catch your emotions when you least expect…

The hauler picked him up April 17th and even though he was still my horse, I wasn’t going to be feeding Huck carrots very often anymore. The fact is, it would take me over eight hours to drive to Jack and Judy’s ranch in Clements in…

Within my heart is the dream of Samantha, where she will always remain because she died May 10, 1995 before I delivered her. And because she was stillborn and I never saw her eyes open or heard her take a breath or make a move, other…

Bleifer’s Soundtrack
At my 20th High School Reunion, I lost my drink ticket and Scott Bleifer stepped beside me at the bar and handed me a glass of wine. We laughed about old times and made plans to get together. That was the last time I saw him. September 10,…